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Sunday, 18 December 2016

Life is about...

                                                                                        (The image is downloaded from the internet)

Life isn't about how many people you acquaint,
It is how many really know you.
It isn't about branded bags,
It is about giggles and bear hugs.
It isn't about a posh address,
It is about a space you can call home.

Life is about happiness rather than hoarding.
It is about being authentic rather than being liked by hundreds.
It is about loving rather than judging.
It is about trusting and taking chances
it is about being who you are.
It is about embracing and accepting the devil in you, because there exists one.

It is about talking to strangers and helping without wanting returns.
Yet it isn't about being taken for a ride.
It is about knowing your boundaries
and not letting others define or deny them.
It is about not letting others waste your time for you,
and the complete freedom to waste it yourself if you please.
It is about listening to the music you like and running like an elated child.
Life is about the tiny precious moments and stolen kisses.

Life isn't about this poem or a hundred others you read,
it is about what you feel when you read them.