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Friday, 19 May 2017

A lifetime of joy

Childhood is about blowing on dandelions,

 and spotting snails.


It is also about jumping with joy for no particular reason

and about running in the middle of a gorgeous place.


Childhood is about collecting pebbles like they are treasures,

and licking on ice-cream with the whole face.


                                  It is also about singing and dancing like no ones watching

                                               and howling without a worry of space.

Childhood is about just being and loving a lot
and it is about being a child forever.
Childhood is about laughing out aloud and sometimes being shy
and it is about living a life that NEVER lets the child in you die!!


Friday, 5 May 2017

The best birthday gift EVER

My birthday just went by and it was special.

It always is. 

Birthdays are the best days of our lives, I believe. It is a day only for you, when you should be pampered, you should be fussed over and you should be made to believe that the world revolves only around you.

In my opinion there are 2 kinds of people in this world:-

1. Those who believe that their birthdays are the best days in the world. 
2. Who believe that birthdays are just another day in their lives. 

Obviously you know already which one I belong to just by the virtue of writing this post. Just FYI, My husband belongs to the second category. Even though he is in the 2nd category he makes sure that I continue to stay in the 1st and I feel truly lucky for it. I have more reasons than I can type to feel lucky but I can safely say that I feel lucky just to be able to recognise that I am lucky

I also feel lucky because I learnt early on that, life is eventually all about learning

With each passing year, I learnt more about life, more about myself and more about the people around. I say I feel lucky because a lot of us don't ever get to that lesson. We just get caught up in figuring out who said what to whom. The rest of the time we spend in wondering what they really meant or could have meant.  

In the past years I learnt that it is more important to peep within, than to find faults in others.

I leant that all of our issues stem from our childhood. Our parents voices from the past, are our inner voices forever. 

I learnt that no matter what the world is trying to make you believe, you would only trust what you want to trust. Good or Bad. 

The biggest lesson I learnt in the past year was that, as important as it is to learn, it is equally or more important to UNLEARN. We learn things that work for us but even when they stop working, we don't let go of them. We don't unlearn. 

I feel lucky because this year I learnt to unlearn and that is the biggest gift I could give myself. 

Wouldn't you want to give such a special gift to yourself? 

Additional notes ;) - My 2.5 year old decorated my birthday cake that my husband had baked for me. She worked very hard on placing each butterfly in the place and way that she thought was perfect.