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Thursday, 2 June 2016


I am lucky to have the silver lines that I do on my tummy
That's because my little sweetheart, you made me a mummy.
Sagging breasts and just no rest,
yet you make me feel that I am the best.
Voice that is kiddish and the language gibberish
I wouldn't dream of giving these conversations a miss.

A 5 minute walking distance could last up to an hour
because you want to collect all the pebbles and smell each flower.
Bath time that lasts several splashes, as you have to clean all the toys
wash their noses and eyelashes, yes, it is one of your ploys.
Peaceful conversations on the phone are just a dream
sometimes you paint my back as I talk and sometimes you scream

Dressing you up seems pointless, you do look like a doll
but given the first opportunity, you remove it all.
Your favorite food is chocolate and you could have it all day
You scream,you shout and test my patience,but my love, I would have it no other way.
Your kisses when you think you have hurt us, are the sweetest there ever were
Each new day with you is precious, my past without you is just a blur.

I remember each day from my past, I recall all that I did,
but when I saw you the first time, deeply in love I slid.
It is fun to play hide and seek even when I know exactly where you are hiding
the thrill,surprise and joy that you express when I find you- are ever so binding.
I am happy to have the dark under my eyes and thankful for each silver line
I live a dream everyday, blessed is this life of mine.

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