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Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Upcycle- reuse- rehome-second hand

Does it pinch you deep down when someone gives you something old & used that they don't need anymore? You would have definitely bought it's brand new counter-part because you need it, yet does it hurt to get something already used? Do you buy everything new, use it a couple of times and replace it? I guess because money isn't an issue for you. 

As for me, I know people who have questioned the intentions of others, behind passing on their old stuff. 'Do they want to show how rich they are?' 'We have enough money to buy new, we don't need your old.' 'I still have my dignity intact.'

Somehow using something already used by someone else makes us feel inferior within. I personally don't understand why our sense of superiority governs our life so much. If we have money then we have a right to waste. Buy and throw or wear a dress just once and dump it somewhere never to be found. I know someone who stores each and everything they buy, things they would never use again, clothes they can never fit into, and store it in places that even look suffocating because of how much they are stuffed, yet they keep buying. I know a few who find it below their dignity to share or exchange clothes, shoes and household items. I know people who cook fresh food everyday and throw whats left at the end of the day in the dustbin. I know people who order too much at restaurants and always leave their plates unfinished. I know people who don't teach their children how to only take as much in their plates that they can finish. I actually know of a Guru who teaches people in his abundance workshop to leave(read waste) food in their plates so that their mind's start believing that there is abundance.  And I am sure that you too know such people. Maybe you are one of them. 

I just have one thing to say to you or 'them'- You have money, but the resources of the earth are limited.                                                                      
                                                        PLEASE DON'T WASTE .

Buying things you don't need has an impact on the environment. Cooking more than you can eat and throwing the rest impacts earth, each grain of rice you throw took more than 6 months to hard-work and labour to grow. It took so much from the soil that we can never return or replace. Each thing you buy and just store creates a demand to produce and supply more, a false demand at that. 

Each one of us can take simple steps in everyday life to stop abusing the environment. I try too. Here is my list of 10 things that I try to do.
I share because I hope it helps and I too can get some ideas from you all.

1. I, as a rule, don't buy new toys for my child.  She has plenty to play with because everyone who comes to meet a child, only brings either toys, closes or candies. There are hand me downs from her older cousins and IF I buy something then it is always second-hand. I buy second-hand without any shame because I know I am helping the environment.

2. I cook as much as we can eat and I freeze the rest. When I was in India, I would share our food with the house help but NEVER threw it. I know some of you are against freezing but I am sure you can find your own ways to not waste if you decide so.

3. I close the tap while I brush, I don't leave the water running while I wash the dishes and I let my child enjoy her baths, without a tap constantly running and wasting water. These are simple things and we don't realise them unless we start paying attention. Try and notice how often you leave the water on while you are still scrubbing the utensils or brushing your teeth.

4. I use as little paper-towel, cling film and aluminium foil as I can. I prefer using boxes with lids to store things and instead of paper towels I try and use reusable, washable options. 

5. I tell everyone who cares enough to ask me NOT TO BUY PLASTIC toys for my child.  My child and me would be happier with your company, blessings and time. In case you absolutely have to buy something then get her books or wooden toys. Get us stuff to eat. We LOVE food.

6. Every year I plant trees.  I have asked my cousin for help in planting trees, I have paid organisations that plant and care for plants and trees, I have done whatever little I can. I am sure you can too. If we simply say that we will do it then we tend to forget. I have a plan to avoid that, plan to plant on a special day like for me I always plant trees on my child's Birthday.

8. I almost never put my phone on vibration mode. It consumes way too much energy.

9. I segregate as much of the household waste as I can. Putting it in separate bins is not a lot of effort once you start doing it. I can't stop using things but I can at least make sure that they are recycled.

10. I love exchanging clothes with my friends. That I way I get a new wardrobe without spending anything. I also very happily except hand-me-downs.

Do you think you can adopt any of these? I would be happy if you do. I would be happier if you share more tips with me as well.

Let's make a change. let's be grateful, let's be better.

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